Gen X Signal Breakdown
Breakdown of all metrics of a signal from the Gen X Algorithm
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Breakdown of all metrics of a signal from the Gen X Algorithm
Last updated
In essence, Illico simplifies the trading process by offering highly reliable "buy" indicators that outperform other market options. These indicators are accompanied by a corresponding selling price threshold and a Probability of Success indicator. This straightforward approach ensures that users can easily identify profitable opportunities and make informed trading decisions.
Example Reference from above: "Recall: 0 -- Initial Signal i"
This signal is known as Recall #0, indicating that it is the initial occurrence of this signal within the past 7 days.
Refer to Recall Systemfor details on this metric
A Holding Signal, (except Recall 0 and 4)
Example Reference from above: "* Gold Signal *"
The Gold Signal indicates that this project has been identified by Gen X for the first time in Illico's history.
When the metric "Gold Signal" is present, it is typically associated with a higher probability of success (Please note that this increased probability of success is not included in the Relative Success Rate metric). Therefore, this type of signal is considered to be more bullish.
Relative, inherently optimal compared to regular signals.
Example Reference from above: "Gen X 4.0 Success Rate: 74%"
This represents the essence of Gen X 4.0, offering a precise indicator of the signal's direction through a distinct algorithm developed by Illico. This metric provides us with the probability of the signal's floor price reaching the "Low-Risk Threshold" mentioned earlier, with a Confidence Level of approximately 90%.
It is one of Illico's notable accomplishments that sets us apart from competitors. By leveraging this metric, you can accurately forecast the success of a signal with an estimated accuracy rate of around 90%.
Bearish Indication: When the Success Rate is below 50%, it serves as a valid indicator for bearish signals.
Bullish Indication: When the Success Rate exceeds 70-80%, it indicates a strong likelihood of bullish signals.
By considering these thresholds, you can effectively utilize the extremities of this metric as reliable indicators for different market conditions.
Example Reference from above : "BoringPunks"
This is the signal's project name.
Example Reference from above: "(Conviction Only Signal)"
This metric signifies the importance of having prior conviction on the project before entering a trade. Furthermore, it indicates that you should have been actively seeking a suitable entry point specifically for this project. It is strongly advised not to purchase these signals unless you meet the aforementioned conditions. This caution is due to the challenges associated with holding positions for extended periods without a strong conviction in the project.
Example Reference from above: "Caught-Price: 0.083 (Floor Price on Blur most likely Lower)"
This metric provides us with the exact floor price at the time of the signal. We receive a warning stating "Floor Price on Blur most likely Lower," which indicates that you should explore other marketplaces for potential lower entry prices before making a direct purchase on your usual marketplace. This recommendation encourages you to consider alternative options and potentially find more advantageous entry points for the trade.
Example Reference from above: "Caught UTC Time: 2023-06-14T08:14:00"
This metric provides us with the precise timestamp of when the signal was captured by the Gen X Algorithm, using the UTC time zone.
Example Reference from above: "Individual Signal Counter: 0"
This metric provides the count of times a signal has been captured within the last 30 days. As a general guideline, the higher the individual signal counter, the more bearish the signal becomes. For example, for a Recall #0, a regular signal should have an individual signal counter of 0 ( Recalls 0 and 4 ). For a Recall #4, the counter should be 1, and for a Recall 10, the counter should be 2, and so forth. An increasing signal counter for any of the specified regular signals mentioned above indicates a progressively more bearish indicator.
Example Reference from above: "Low-Risk Threshold: 0.099"
The Relative Success Rate: #3.-gen-x-4.0-success-rate directly corresponds to this metric, representing the probability of achieving success by reaching the floor price indicated at the threshold. A low-risk threshold is provided to guide you towards realizing net profit after accounting for royalties and fees across various markets.
A signal is classified as successful within a 14-day timeframe if the floor price effectively reaches the low-risk threshold. Conversely, it is considered a loss if no increase in the floor price is observed within the 14-day period.
Example Reference from above: "Glossary: Illico Glossary"
This metric includes a hyperlink to Illico's comprehensive glossary, which provides concise definitions and instructions on how to effectively utilize each type of signal. The glossary serves as a valuable resource for gaining a clear understanding of the various signals and their proper usage.